leadbelly society of shreveport, a collision of writing, art & song

Send us your essays, short stories, poetry, song lyrics and recordings. Fire them off in the direction of trudeau@earthlink.net We also desire your sketches, paintings, photos and photos of sketches & paintings.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Jenny: Leadbelly Society, CMHS, Shreveport

why night, why night be blamed for shameful acts
and day not yet be accused
when even in the presence of light
can horride crimes be rouged

For the absence of light
just give reason to those, the weak, to be excused
“Blinded by the night” the unwillful do so falsely accuse

How did night rob thee of thy sight
did it steal away during the so called “ beauitful” day
or come while you were sleeping
and in your bed with you lay to make sure your not peeking

Do not look at peaceful night
with such restless eyes and blame it for your troubles
for day with come and mock you with its endless light
reducing you to rumble

Than will you call once more upon the night, to which you did first blame
to sooth you and restore your stolen sight, in which you first did claim.


- jenny owens

Amandia: Leadbelly Society, CMHS, Shreveport

barracks barraged, what a flawed fortress to put faith in, inevitability rhymes with popularity, and i'm sure there's good reason for that..

studio flyers are no more than casually enlisted, and i can't help but think about partisans of the e[x] amount when leaving from the wh[y] location..

coincidences like these don't fool anyone except everyone, minus the ones they hurt, and that's about as comforting as a rabbit's foot..

so in a retrospective study, one may notice that the quickest way to descend his or her way to the top is called cloud-diving, and apparently - i certainly wouldn't know for sure - clouds now come in seventeen thousand new shades of insecurity, choose your favorite, princess.. /it'll be fun and you know it/..

i've found out why there are twelve months in the year, and i don't plan to tell anyone

i've found a beautiful pattern in my stock-market brand protector sheets, and i plan to show everyone

because i know what happens when things like this hit public, and i know how that makes me feel

more or less, anyway

because i know what happens when things like this blow kisses, and i know how it pinches me

for the most part, i must say

for the most part, i miss that day

for the most part, for the most part

for the most part, the most part's really little in excess of the least part

and for the most part, the least part is me

and for the most part, we're par.

- amandia conley

Leadbelly Society, CMHS, Shreveport

March came in with a cheetah in 08.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Leadbelly Society plans acoustic jam after classes Wed, Nov 8

Organized by George Smith and to feature Andrew Wood and Brett Havener as well as Smith and poets and percussionists, etc.

Poetry in progress by Adrian Palmer, Leadbelly Society

Adrian Palmer, Leadbelly Society, originally uploaded by trudeau.

Hanging on the board behind Ag: not her dress.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Untitled / Lindsey Trombetta

Photography David Nelson, originally uploaded by trudeau.

Memories flutter like birds,
Scattering hither and thither
To the far-flung corners of the globe.
Justification for my actions is unneeded-
After all;
What are we without our soul?

Tragedy mixes with sweet contentment far away,
Make one sweet wish
Upon my brightly twinkling dreams-
Lost to the sky like so many stars,
Falling back so beautifully to earth.

In this
With the sky so oddly clear and breathtaking,
I feel safe in the knowledge that you,
Like so many softly falling raindrops,
Will make your presence known to me again.

The lines of reality are roughly blurred-
Black and white have merged to make color
And I must wonder-
Where does all of this end
And I begin?

~Lindsey Trombetta

Saturday, September 30, 2006

Two pieces by Cameron Rachal, Shreveport

the American worker

(I can see the city's inner workings today, grinding to the beat of death.)

So John's a roofer now,
but he's got no supplies.
He lives with his friend in a broken down crack house.
And his friend's girlfriend just so happens to be 4 months pregnant as well.

(I can see the city's inner workings today, grinding to the beat of death.)

He is such a great guy while he becomes a roofer with no supplies.
He works all day to meet his demise and staring me up with cocaine eyes,
John holds a vision of death with a smile.
And now he's a roofer,
but he's got no supplies.

(I can see the cities' inner workings grinding to the beat of death.)

** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **

the absurd

You know
one of these days
Dog will venture forth from his home of
ragged cloth
in search of God and The Great Shifting Plains above
and out beyond the pasture
of broken tile and bent grass
and fallen stars
he will find what he was looking for
where the fences converge
and the ground sinks with used coal
there is Oranglepurple on the horizon
and among the green dryness
that was your Jungle
you find what you were looking for
The birds will stop chirping
the waters will freeze mid-splash
cars will halt crashing
and Sisyphus will pause and smile towards you
and The Face of that Orangepurple Place
will gaze
while you mold the crushed coal
beneath you
and take your secondtolast breath
not about what is outside of these walls
but rather
"How should I lie down?"

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Rachel Hill, Leadbelly Society

Rachel Hill, Leadbelly Society, originally uploaded by trudeau.

Reading in downtown Shreveport in April, 06, by society founder rachel Hill. What was she reading? Hm.

Maybe she'll send a copy of that piece. Eh.


About Me

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Sketcher, writer, musician Robert Trudeau is your source for enriched and entertaining background on the Bayou State.